Thursday, March 29, 2018

Why Is Faith Such A Big Deal?

"And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him." - Hebrews 11:6

Why did God create us knowing the curse that would follow our disobedience?

Why create mankind with free will?

Why even allow evil to tempt man?

Thursday, March 22, 2018

High Time

      Okay baby, here we go
I say yes, and you say No
Lies written up and down your face
The words you say they are said in haste

You and me, it's a never-ending war
First we're in love, then we're through
Now the tide has turned your way
What are you gonna do?

It's high time! High Time!
That you make up your mind
It's high time! High Time!
To let down your front line
It's high time! High Time!
To realize what you've found
High time! High time!
Are you gonna let me down?

You've been moving me around your life
Bringing me out when it's cool
I don't know what you want from me
You're playing me for a fool

Now it’s really plain you see
A choice has got to be made
It's just my heart you're playing with
What does it matter to me?

Repeat Chorus

Music and Lyrics by:  B. L

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

One Night

Woke up this morning, feeling older than I should
Fighting with emotions that are new to my soul
Painting a picture of you in my mind now
Just for fear of letting you go

We had it good, hoped it would last
I messed it up, deep in the past
I tried real hard, I'd try again
I couldn't know, I didn't mean

The problem with problems, you're never quite sure
Tough to see things that are close as they are
Life is placing so much faith on a thread
With a raging sea just under your feet

Thursday, February 22, 2018

In A Moment

      In a moment, brief, brief moment
We held and cried and prayed
Pleading for a miracle
Not sure what to say . . . 

You were here for a fleeting moment
We longed to see the person you will be
Yet our hope doesn’t reside in this life
Our hope resides in His Word

The things we take for granted now
So precious if we'd look around
The days that fly through our lives
We should grab one in our hands

Though only here for a brief moment
You experienced love stored for years
We trust that all things have a reason,
Yet struggle with the death of our dream

The full grasp of your life,
Someday we’ll come to know
God's ways are not our ways
One day darkness will be banished from the dawn

Faith and wisdom are worthy goals
Our questions are not a sin
We struggle to see God in the deepest pain
When hope is left for dead

But He is there, He walks with us
His mercies are new each day
He promises to never let us go
He will make it right on that glorious day

(Dedicated to Michelle Nicole Lee)

Music and Lyrics by: Byron Lee