Monday, July 31, 2006

The Biggest Rock

We would probably all agree that one of the most troubling facets of the current Middle East situation is the very real possibility that the violence will escalate. In a part of the world that reaches for weapons before striving for diplomacy, peace has lost its hopefulness. There are little moments of compassion but a massive renewal of hatred. Even the weakest part of society, little children, are not protected in this conflict. In fact, they are being used as pawns without apparent guilt.

Might is the only path that many nations travel and saving face and honor is a primary motivation. History shows us that nations that rely on aggression and violence rarely maintain peace at home. When civilizations trade the Christian beliefs of "love your neighbor as you love yourself" for the "eye for an eye" philosophy we have fallen off the right path.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Which Compass Today?

It's no surprise to anyone who has known me for any length of time that I'm moody. Mood's come and go as often as I change clothes or television channels and without warning or reasons. When I told my parents that I was getting married my Dad's immediate response was, "Does she know how moody you are?" We've been married now over seven years but he was right to be worried about that part of my character.

I liked to use the excuse that as an artist I my personality was dominated by my emotions, this was just part of the "artist package personality." I've come to realize that even though my capacity for mood swings are still present they don't have to dominate my responses. Like everything else in my life, I have a choice to submit to a greater authority. Which sort of leads me to what I've been thinking about today.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Prayer Of Apology

Sitting here thinking,
How many times I've hurt you
You absorbed the cruelest daggers
You chose to forget them all

Rebellion were my clothes of choice
Anarchy, not faith ran through my blood
Why did I run from Your love of ages?
What deception plagued my true sight?

Monday, July 24, 2006

Schedule Wars

My wife and I had another discussion last night regarding how we plan our children's summer schedule. What prompted this discussion (yes, this is a code word for what every married couple on the planet knows is an argument) was how children (not just ours) act during this time of year.

My wife (who should have been a beatnick) feels like summer is the time to let kids be kids before the responsibilities of adulthood conform them to faceless numbers like it does everyone else. I agree with part of that argument (the letting them have more fun part) but I feel there are several problems with totally embracing that view.