Friday, September 15, 2023

24 Things I Miss

Twenty four things I miss about Chattanooga in no particular order:

1. Lookout games at Engel Stadium (So much history!)

2. Luther (The Voice of Chattanooga)

3. Walking the marble floors of the gigantic (or so it seemed at the time) American National Bank downtown location

4. Dr. Sages (At the top of the Holiday Inn downtown) a great place to listen to live music!

5. Town and Country Steak House (Located downtown by the river) great food and memories!

Friday, September 08, 2023

Does God Want Us To Be Happy?

This week's article is from a acquaintance of mine that I briefly knew when I worked in Rome, Ga. His name is Jonathan Huggins Huggins and he is the college chaplain at Berry College in Rome, GA. 

"Everyone wants to be happy.  At least, that seems to be the case. Even when people do things that will ultimately make them miserable, one could argue that they are still trying to make themselves happy. The problem is, we often look for happiness in all the wrong places (Isaiah 55:2, Jer. 2:13). But does God even care about our happiness? I mean, is it really that important? Is it just a nice additional quality that one might be lucky enough to experience if you have the right personality or set of circumstances? Or is happiness essential to life, and therefore essential to life with God? Is happiness a constitutive aspect of Christian faith and living?

Friday, September 01, 2023

The History Of Engel Stadium

In 1929, while the country was in the throes of the Great Depression, entrepreneur extraordinaire Joe Engel came to Chattanooga with a cash offer in his hand for Chattanooga’s minor league baseball team. Engel believed in baseball, and he believed in Chattanooga. Acting as an emissary for Clark Griffith, owner of the major league Washington Senators, he purchased the Lookouts from Sammy Strang Nicklin, a Chattanooga-born big leaguer who had helped the New York Giants win the World Series in 1905.

On that same trip, Engel also brought $150,000 for the purpose of building a gleaming new ballpark to replace Andrews Field, which had acted as the Lookouts’ home field since 1911. The new stadium was completed the next year.

Into the 1930s and beyond, Engel promoted the Lookouts tirelessly, and through his influence, a baseball game at Engel Stadium became more than balls, strikes, outs, and runs. It was a spectacle.

Friday, August 25, 2023

The Scariest Passage In The Bible

Article by Justin Dillehay (TGC | January 7th, 2020)

"Christians may disagree over what constitutes the scariest passage in the Bible. But most would agree Jesus’s concluding words in the Sermon on the Mount rank near the top.

Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?” And then will I declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.” (Matt. 7:21–23)

It’s frightening to think about going to hell. It’s even more frightening to find out too late that you’re going to hell when you thought you were going to heaven. And still more frightening to think that not just a few, but “many” will have this experience. Some people think they’re Christians, they call Jesus “Lord,” they even do mighty works in his name—and yet they’re not truly saved and never were."