But the reasons I love to write may come as a surprise to even those who know me best. Writing and music are my two favorite ways to express myself, for totally different reasons. But first a little information about myself.
I am at my core an extremely introverted person. Given to my own devices my ideal life would be lived in a small condo, filled with books and endless takeout, a black Baldwin grand piano in the corner, board games on my shelves, and a comfortable chair and table to enjoy all of these bountiful blessings. That is my idea of paradise. If forced to commute to my job my ideal work situation would be in a small office, in a high rise with one window, preferably with no way to communicate with others short of my computer, accomplishing tasks with little oversight and even less communication with the outside world. (All in room cooled to 64 degrees fahrenheit please)
Okay, you're going to have to give me a moment . . .