Friday, September 17, 2021

"The Duke"

My grandpa on my Dad's side of the family loved westerns. Not just watching westerns on TV, he loved to read and collect Louis L' Amour books, as well as pistols from that era. Saturday evenings at 10:00 pm were reserved for the western TV show Gunsmoke and distractions were simply not allowed. But like many people of that generation, my grandpa's favorite actor was "The Duke". 

John Wayne, also known as "The Duke", was the premier movie star in the 50's and 60's. Larger than life, he picked his roles carefully, to ensure that his movie characters aligned with his own philosophy about life and his cultural priorities. He starred in over 300 films and never once apologized for his pro-USA stance and old fashioned values. They say that some of the best ways to learn about someone is to listen to their views on life so here are some of my favorite quotes from "The Duke":

“All battles are fought by scared men who'd rather be someplace else.”

“A man deserves a second chance, but keep an eye on him.”

“My hope and prayer is that everyone know and love our country for what she really is and what she stands for.”

“I stick to simple themes. Love. Hate. No nuances. I stay away from psychoanalyst's couch scenes. Couches are good for one thing.”

Monday, September 13, 2021

The Gift Of Imagination

I've often pondered the gift of imagination. Is there a boundary that we cannot cross with our imaginations? Is there a future that we cannot imagine with this wonderful gift? And the opposite unfortunately is also true, is there a limit to the darkness that we can explore and unleash using this powerful tool that God has gifted to each one of us?

I believe that we are most like our Creator when we are creative. The Bible says that God imagined the entire universe and then it came to pass. His thoughts became our reality. And we have all been imprinted with that same seal of creativity, to be used for good or evil, in powerful ways that can influence people and alter history.

The reason you have this gift is because God imagines. And God gave you the ability to create with your imagination. When you use your imagination for good and for God, God smiles. 

Friday, September 10, 2021

"I Can Hear You!"

Three days after the horrific attack on the World Trade Center Towers, President Bush visited the site to speak to the first responders, troops, and citizens of our country. It was a perilous time in our nation's history, no one was sure who had attacked the United States, and no one knew if there were more attacks coming. All domestic and international flights were still cancelled, the military was on high alert, and our entire nation was on edge. 

President Bush had already addressed the nation from the Barksdale Air Force Base on 9/11 as well as from the Oval Office later that same evening, but this time, standing on the heap of debri that was the World Trade Center Towers, he seemed to connect directly with the people in a way that his previous speeches had failed to accomplish. Standing on a pile of rubble, arm around one of New York City's finest, he started speaking to the crowd through a bullhorn. It quickly became apparent that the volume of the bullhorn was not loud enough for everyone to hear but that is where President Bush seized the moment to utter his timeless words that comforted, and rallied the nation. In my opinion, this is one of the top five speeches given by anyone in my lifetime. 

We can disagree about the merits of President Bush's policies and even his response to the 9/11 attacks, but I think we can all agree that on that day, September 14th, he communicated with the people of our country in a way that few modern leaders have ever done, assuring the citizens of the United States that their voices were being heard and that soon, the world would also hear from them. 

Tuesday, September 07, 2021