Sunday, May 09, 2021

The New Jerusalem

Anybody else blown away with the similarities of the New Jerusalem described in Revelation 21 to the Holy of Holies described in Exodus 26? Both are described as perfect cubes, the first Tabernacle measuring around 10x10x10, and the New Jerusalem city measuring 1,380 miles high, wide, and deep. 

A cube, with all its three dimensions equal, is considered geometric perfection in classical mathematics and is a fitting tribute to the triune God who is ONE in all aspects of thought and purpose. A cube has six sides, six being the number of man in Bible code. Thus we see man in total unity with God, in the city of the New Jerusalem, even as we see that Jesus is both God and perfect man in one; God in the flesh. 

Friday, May 07, 2021

The Perfect Game

This week in baseball we almost witnessed an historic event. Baltimore Orioles pitcher John Means pitched a no-hitter on Wednesday, May 5th. This feat, while impressive, was almost historic because he was one technicality away from a perfect game. 

per·fec·tion - the condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects.

A perfect game in Major League Baseball is a victory by a pitcher (or combination of pitchers) that lasts a minimum of nine innings with no batter reaching first base. To achieve a perfect game, a team must not allow any opposing player to reach base by any means: no hits, walks, hit batsmen, uncaught third strikes, catcher's or fielder's interference, or fielding errors; in short, "27 up, 27 down" (for a nine-inning game). Over the 150 years of Major League Baseball history, and over 218,500 games, there have only been 23 official perfect games. 

For one game, everything works (at least for the winning team) the way it should, starting with the supreme confidence and control of the pitcher, and his catcher who calls a perfect game, and his teammates who defend their territory without blemish, through nine innings of baseball. 27 outs. Perfection, flawless execution by everyone who was part of that winning effort. An experience that most people can only dream about. Where every decision is correct, there is no second-guessing, no mistakes in the execution, where the universe and humanity align to create a rare moment in time, perfection.

But what happens when you are one mistake from perfection?

Friday, April 30, 2021

The Heart of the Matter

The lies we tell ourselves

The way we act so nonchalant

When the destination stops before the dream

Keep exchanging truth for a lie

We all know how this story will end 

We try to go back to the beginning

Try to claw our way back to life

When you are the only face you see 

You find yourself bathed in utter darkness

And light refuses to obey your call


When it's a matter of the heart

That's the heart of the matter

When everything you deemed important

Has disappeared into a mist

When searching becomes longing

And praying becomes begging

When it's a matter of the heart

That's the heart of the matter

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

481 Foot Home Run!

Ronald Acuña Jr. hit another monstrous homer and Ian Anderson spun yet another gem. In other words, this was another good night for the Braves, who finally showed some life at the plate.

Acuña hit the second-longest home run tracked in the Majors this year and Anderson provided his second straight scoreless effort as the Braves claimed a 5-0 win over the Cubs on Tuesday night at Truist Park. 

What a player!