Friday, September 11, 2020

The Ultimate Question

In the radio series and the first novel, "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy", a group of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings demand to learn the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything Else from the supercomputer Deep Thought, specially built for this purpose. It takes Deep Thought ​7 1⁄2 million years to compute and check the answer, which turns out to be 42. The twist is that Deep Thought points out that the answer is meaningless because the beings who asked it never actually knew what the question really was . . . 

So here's a question, what if each one of us was immortal and at the conclusion of our finite period of time here on earth we move on to our infinite destination? Follow-up question, what would determine where we spend this eternity? 

I bet we would agree that no matter how much time, energy, sacrifice, and resources we spent on this question we would never exceed the depth and importance of our answer? Adding a layer of further complexity this question has a limited window of time in which it can be answered, because after our time here on earth is done, our freedom and ability to answer this question is gone. Forever

In 1 Corinthians 15:29 the apostle Paul addresses this very issue, "If this world is all there is, let's eat and drink and party all night because tomorrow we might die." Paul is agreeing with the culture of his time, (and our time) that if this world is all there is than why not spend it in pursuit of our own pleasures. 

But what if there is more to our existence? 

Let's see what Jesus says about this question:

Friday, September 04, 2020

Self Portrait Questions

  • Date and Place of Birth: October 18th, 1960, Chattanooga, Tennessee.
  • A Book I Recently Read: "The Ragamuffin Gospel"
  • Something Few People Know About Me: I Love the game of baseball
  • I Wish I Could: Travel For A Living
  • My Most Valuable Possession: My Soul
  • I Am Most Comfortable When: I'm Reading A Good Book
  • My Most Precious Childhood Memory: Playing Football With My Brother and The Neighborhood Kids
  • Five People I Would Invite To A Fantasy Dinner Party: Jesus Christ, My Grandpa Bible, Rich Mullins, Paul McCartney, and George S. Patton
  • The Best Gift I Ever Received: The gift of forgiveness from Jesus Christ for all of my sins.
  • My Favorite Meal: Krystal Hamburgers, Fries, Chili, Large Coke
  • I Am Most Proud Of: My Daughter
  • One Word To Sum Me Up: Grateful
  • Favorite Things To Do To Relax: Reading, Watching a Movie, Playing the piano
  • Last Words You Would Say To Those You Love: Love Jesus and accept His gift of salvation - Your Eternity Depends On Your Response
  • Favorite Sports To Watch: College Football (Go Vols!) and Baseball (Go Braves!) 
  • Favorite Sports To Play: Baseball, Tennis, Racquetball, Ping Pong, Football, Basketball
  • Scariest Thing You've Ever Done: Spending the night in a haunted cabin outside of Mt. Rainier
  • Favorite Song: "Brandy" by Looking Glass

Friday, August 28, 2020

Facts Versus Opinions

My daughter (who I am enormously proud of by the way) called me the other night and discussed an upcoming writing assignment in her Sophomore English class at college. The task was to argue the pros / cons of an article written by Patrick Stokes, "You Are Only Entitled To What You Can Argue For". 

The premise is simple, dividing opinions between statements of taste, such as "I prefer winter over summer" and "I love chocolate over strawberries" versus opinions grounded in technical, legal, or scientific expertise. Mr. Stokes premise is that of course you cannot argue about the first kind of opinions, they are a matter of personal taste. His issue is that our society is leaning more and more toward associating both types of opinions as unarguable, thus voiding the authority and power behind expert opinions.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Going home . . .

Just like John Muir wrote, “Going to the mountains is going home.”