Thursday, May 07, 2020

Happy Mother's Day!

To Mom,

Here is my gift to you. Recognizing that there is no amount of time, resources, or effort that could possibly demonstrate my gratitude and love to you and all that you have done for me. Your prayers have kept me safe and anchored, and your grace has been an real-life example of the love that my heavenly Father also has for me. Truly words fail in my ability to express my thankfulness that God gave me you as my Mom.

(Password is: "Mom")

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Baseball And My Youth

Reading has always been one of my favorite joys and one of my favorite subjects is sports, particularly baseball. Without boring you with why I love the game of baseball, (because frankly, George Will has already achieved that piece of perfection . . . ) baseball and the men who have played this game have always been an integral part of my childhood, continuing into adulthood.

For instance: My Uncle Pat stood in line at Eastgate Mall in Chattanooga, TN, on a rainy weekday in June, 1969, all for the goal of obtaining Mantle's autographs for his two nephews. Mickey Mantle was opening up a Men's clothing store in the mall and of course he was the main attraction on this opening day. 

Uncle Pat said the line was very long and full of children and teenagers who should have been at school, unlike the obedient and/or forced-to-attend classes children like my brother and me. I mean, come on!!! Mickey "The Mick" Mantle was signing autographs in our city!! The Yankee great who was one of the two greatest sport stars in baseball in the 1950's and 60's! 

Friday, April 24, 2020

The Power Of One

From the wonderful and evangelistic mind of Charles Schultz came spiritual wisdom wrapped in entertainment. This is the man who fought to ensure that millions of people would hear the true story of Christmas in his release, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" in 1965. But I'll bet you've never heard the full story of how this timeless classic came to fruition . . .

First of all, the Charlie Brown Christmas show might never have happened if not for the shared love of baseball between Charles Schultz and television producer Lee Mendelson. Schultz was a devout follower of baseball and when Mendelson called to talk about creating a TV show using the Peanuts comic strip, the two men quickly found common ground. Lee had recently produced a documentary on Willie Mays, "A Man Named Mays" and this fueled the early good will between these two men.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Battle Cry!

One of the best war game / simulation games of all time!