Friday, January 10, 2020

The Board and The Keys

Black and White keys and pieces, full of hope, teaming with possibilities . . . you pull up your chair or bench, extend your fingers, reach into the recess of your mind . . .  and begin!

Have you ever given much thought to the similarities between playing a piano and the game of chess? Both have black and white pieces / keys, awaiting the commands of their masters. Both endeavors involve creativity, and both have the task of containing opposing forces that must be controlled for success to be earned.

The feeling of approaching a piano keyboard, the keys casting a shadow from an impartial light, awaiting you and no other, is a magical moment. You close your eyes, place your fingers on the keys and search for inspiration. Where will this journey take you? Will you run into old friends, past melodies dancing along the edge of your memory or discover new friends? 

Do you see the possibilities? 

Trying to focus your mind as you search for inspiration, fighting off the howls of insecurity, yet sadly recognizing that creativity usually fails to deliver when beckoned . . . 

Friday, January 03, 2020

New Year's Resolutions

Like so many others, part of the ritual of my New Year holiday usually involves making resolutions. I embraced this challenge in my early 20's but have shifted away from emphasizing goals as I have grown older and have shifted toward a focus on improving my character. 

The three "R's" a former boss once taught me, were the keys to living a better life, Reevaluation, Restructuring, Reinvention. And there is no one better than Jesus to reveal our true hearts, unveil the illusions of who we think we are, and emphasize how we should treat others through reading His Word.

I thought I would share what I have been pondering on for the New Year for the last few years, I hope these will be of value to you in setting your own New Year resolutions. Here we go!

Friday, December 27, 2019

A New Direction

"Surrender don’t come natural to me. / I’d rather fight you for something I don’t really want, than take what you give and I need." - Rich Mullins (Hold Me Jesus)

When God finally got my attention in my late twenties, I started looking for music that reflected my new passion for Him. The only Christian music that I had been exposed to in my past were the hymns of old. Great songs, rich in theology, but lacking a modern, contemporary arrangement. So off I went, into my local Christian book store, inquiring about what Christian music was available for my generation. 

Friday, December 20, 2019

Linus's Christmas Speech

One of my favorite childhood memories of Christmas.