Friday, July 05, 2019

Missed It By That Much . . .

One of my favorite television shows growing up was "Get Smart". The hero in this show, Max, stumbled into victory despite his best efforts, and uttered these words several times due to his propensity for clumsiness, "Missed it by that much!".

I wanted to start with this humorous anecdote because the rest of this blog addresses a more serious topic. It is of little surprise to anyone who is paying attention to world affairs that this world is more divided than ever before. I'm not talking about politically, socially or even economically. I'm talking about the great divide, between those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and those who do not. There appears to be three cultural camps holding sway in the world, two of which are opposed to the truth of Jesus Christ. This puts most of the world in direct conflict with everything I believe.

Friday, June 28, 2019

He Who Will Emerge From The Sea

The number 13 is a number that usually brings forth feelings of trepidation, certainly not feelings of comfort and protection. Chapter 13 in The Book of Revelation is no exception. This chapter describes the height of Satan's rebellion against God, a rebellion that begin before the dawn of time. Imagine, in all of history there has never been an influence of evil such as the world will experience in the Great Tribulation.

Chapter 13 begins with the rise of the Antichrist, the beast who will emerge from the sea. (The sea refers to the Gentile nation - Revelation 17:15) The ten horns that the beast has are affixed to a composite body which combines the appearance of a leopard, bear, and lion. In military terms, this suggests that the Antichrist will have the staggering speed of an leopard, the overwhelming power of a bear, and the ferociousness of a lion. And the ten horns represent power and kingdoms, and the Antichrist will exert his power like no other ruler in history. He will wield absolute power over ten nations and kings who will exist to do his bidding. The False Prophet, (who will emerge from land - referring to the Jewish nation) only has two horns. But make no mistake, that is an strategic deception. His power exists in a different realm. Where the Antichrist will utilize his power with a sword, the False Prophet will accomplish his means using his amazing charisma and persuasion. He will speak like a dragon, using lies, threats, deceptions and coercion. His appearance as a lamb will disguise his true intentions. Great miracles will accompany the False Prophet as he works in conjunction with the Antichrist to deceive and command the world.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

A Perfect Poem

"Casey At The Bat"
by Ernest Lawrence Thayer

The Outlook wasn't brilliant for the Mudville nine that day;
The score stood four to two, with but one inning more to play.
And then when Cooney died at first, and Barrows did the same,
A sickly silence fell upon the patrons of the game.

A straggling few got up to go in deep despair. The rest
Clung to that hope which springs eternal in the human breast;
They though, if only Casey could get but a whack at that -
We'd put up even money, now, with Casey at the bat.

Friday, June 21, 2019

The Loss of A Friend

My first experience with newspapers were reading the Sunday comics. I loved the vibrant colors, the amazing creativity used to tell a story in such a small space, even the smell of the paper itself as you unfolded it to reveal the treasure within. As I got older I expanded beyond Peanuts, Beetle Bailey, B.C., Hagar the Horrible, The Phantom, and discovered the Sports section.

No more asking my friends if they knew if the Atlanta Braves had won the night before, or having to listen to boring news shows on the radio just in the hope of hearing the score. This was a life-changer! I mean, Tennessee Vols football (my other favorite team) played once a week in the fall and winter and I could follow them live on the radio, but keeping up with the Braves required a different level of commitment. Enter "The Paper". The Chattanooga Free Press had a sports section that remains to this day the bar of excellence for any paper I've ever read. They do an outstanding job covering area High School, College, and Pro Sports and we're not talking about a measly 4 page section. There were in-depth stories about the Vols, and the Braves! Mixed in with this wonderful content was the tranquility of retrieving the paper from the porch, settling on the couch, and immersing myself in a much bigger world.