Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Location, Location, Location

Someone e-mailed me with a question after reading my post titled "Summer". The question was kindly worded but still blunt in its nature. "Why, since you hate hot weather, have you lived in the south pretty much all of your life?" Here was my reply.

"God." Oh, you need more explanation?  Okay, I want to stress that God has never whispered in my ear and said, "Live in the South oh mortal, it is thee fields I have planted for you to resideth in . . ." (KJV) I believe, through faith, that God has a plan for where I live along with a plan for the rest of my decisions great and small on this planet and for the world to come. How do I know what that is? Great question.

Monday, July 17, 2006


I have to confess to an extreme dislike of all hot and humid weather. Yet, since I have lived in the south for most of my life, this is the norm for around seven months of the year. Today it is particular hot, even before 9:00 a.m. The pets are already panting and they're inside! But it started me thinking of all the ways we tried to keep cool before water parks and sometimes air conditioning!

First, like most kids, we used the water hose. This was a short-term solution because very quickly the water became hot. Second was to find a friend / location with a pool. I grew up in a lower middle-class community and this wasn't an option. Time to get creative . . .

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Moments Of Silence

"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it." - Henry Ford

"Not until we have become humble and teachable . . . distrusting our own thoughts, and willing to have our minds turned upside down, can divine wisdom become ours." - J. I. Packer

It never fails to surprise me when the trees call and the mountains smile and the grass dances . . . and I finally notice. How long has that been going on? Is beauty still showing off despite my indifference? How many years has nature gazed at mankind and our constant movement to and fro?

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Cereal Box

It's been a while since I lasted posted but I wanted to pose a question to my fellow internet community. Do you feel any safer now than you did a year ago? Are we so concerned with the survival of our SUV's that we don't really gaze down the road of our country's future? When is the last time you and your friends discussed the state of America? Not the usual political diatribe but a calm discussion of the direction our leaders are guiding us toward.

Now before I'm shouted down with the standard "you're either with us or against us" rhetoric let me tell you a story about a boss I used to work for. We had the usual staff meetings where the loudest problems were discussed and when the meeting inevitably started to stray he would stand up and shake a box of cereal that he kept near his chair and say, "Too much attention to the box and not enough attention to the cereal." And he was right.