It was not my plan, but I find it interesting that my last post was titled,
"Why Don't We Get The Story We Want?"You see, my belief in that statement is even deeper now, than when I wrote those words almost seven months ago.
It is not an understatement to write that my world, my life, looks radically different than it did then. And in this crazy, fallen world, I don't think I'm alone in this belief.
You see, seven months ago, I was married. I owned a house. But I also lacked peace. And joy. And worst of all, I lacked an awareness of my need for God.
Let me be clear, my lack of peace and joy were my choices. The Bible teaches that even in the middle of challenging circumstances, God will always provide a path that leads to peace and joy. However this is is a difficult choice, and sadly, was not the path that I chose.
So though life looks very different now, there are certain constants that have thankfully remained the same.
God still loves me.
I have friends and family who love me as well.
I have a job that is fulfilling and filled with people who strive to support each other in good times and bad.
I have seen the handiwork of God despite the chaos and storms of the past few months. And even more important, I have felt the presence of God and His power upholding me when I could no longer stand.
His faithfulness is unparalleled, and cannot be compared to anything else in my life. If everything else were to be destroyed and all my other relationships removed, He truly is enough.
And though my story is not what I would have written, His plans are perfect.