Friday, February 16, 2024

The New Normal

A recent news article was revealing in its details and its timeline. We are discussing the case of Commander, Joe Biden's dog who was finally expelled from the White House after over more than two dozen attacks on White House staffers. This incident is not unlike many other occurrences in the Biden's administration. For instance, for months we have been assured that Commander was not a threat to others, as Biden's spokespersons pretended that everything was normal, when it was in fact, abnormal. 

This is, however, the least of the pretending currently being cast as normal in the Biden White House. Whether we are analyzing Biden's mental capacity, or bringing light to Biden's previous promise to serve only one-term, the communication from the Biden administration is breathtaking in their pronouncement that the abnormal is truly the normal. 

And yet, the American people have not been fooled. Over 73% of Democrats agree that Biden is too old to serve another term as president. And I think most of us can agree that there is nothing normal about the fact that we, as Americans, are being forced to choose between two grouchy old men, both way past their prime, and perhaps even past their abilities to be effective leaders of the United States of America.