Friday, January 12, 2024

The Love of God

Shadows turn to monsters, light retreats from view

No relief from darkness, no matter what we do

Our age is fraught with tension, and peace flees from our minds

For when storms become the norm'

And shelter cannot be found

Our dreams no longer attainable

We escape reality with remotes in hand

Seeking our rescue in the company of playthings,

Governments, celebrities, pursuits, friends and pets

Yet none can provide,

The peace that the world rejects

For Jesus, is our only hope

The true Light in a world bathed in darkness

He is our Savior and Creator

Where else are we supposed to run?

For daily we are racing to our reckoning

Trusting this world, governments and ourselves

Yet, we will all face a God of judgement

His justice will finally prevail

And yet, perfect justice will not be dealt

For those who sought Him in life

He offered a trade, a rescue

His life, for ours

He would endure the wrath of Almighty God the Father

The wrath we deserved and He did not

Redemption can then become our story

No condemnation when we stare into His face

Justice will not be our final pathway

Though that is what we all deserve

Our rebellion will not be our last chapter

His love provides much more

His story will become our story

Eternity will become the canvas for our praise

For He without sin, stood in our place

He was punished for our choices

A debt we can never repay

Praise and thanksgiving will be the norm

Our voices will sing without fail

For power and glory He set aside

Counting it a blessing to stand in our place

He proudly bears the scars of His sacrifice

His love has no limits or bounds

His presence available for all who seek Him

All who seek to be rescued, even now

His grace is freely available

Before we are ushered into eternity

Our choice we all can freely make

But time is of the essence

Choose now and secure your place!

Byron Lee (2024)