Friday, September 04, 2020

Self Portrait Questions

  • Date and Place of Birth: October 18th, 1960, Chattanooga, Tennessee.
  • A Book I Recently Read: "The Ragamuffin Gospel"
  • Something Few People Know About Me: I Love the game of baseball
  • I Wish I Could: Travel For A Living
  • My Most Valuable Possession: My Soul
  • I Am Most Comfortable When: I'm Reading A Good Book
  • My Most Precious Childhood Memory: Playing Football With My Brother and The Neighborhood Kids
  • Five People I Would Invite To A Fantasy Dinner Party: Jesus Christ, My Grandpa Bible, Rich Mullins, Paul McCartney, and George S. Patton
  • The Best Gift I Ever Received: The gift of forgiveness from Jesus Christ for all of my sins.
  • My Favorite Meal: Krystal Hamburgers, Fries, Chili, Large Coke
  • I Am Most Proud Of: My Daughter
  • One Word To Sum Me Up: Grateful
  • Favorite Things To Do To Relax: Reading, Watching a Movie, Playing the piano
  • Last Words You Would Say To Those You Love: Love Jesus and accept His gift of salvation - Your Eternity Depends On Your Response
  • Favorite Sports To Watch: College Football (Go Vols!) and Baseball (Go Braves!) 
  • Favorite Sports To Play: Baseball, Tennis, Racquetball, Ping Pong, Football, Basketball
  • Scariest Thing You've Ever Done: Spending the night in a haunted cabin outside of Mt. Rainier
  • Favorite Song: "Brandy" by Looking Glass