Friday, July 19, 2019

Footprints . . .

As I write this entry the world is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing tomorrow, July 20th, 2019. I remember my parents allowing my brother and I to stay up way past our bedtime to watch the grainy footage on our black and white TV and listen to the immortal words of Neil Armstrong as he became the first human to walk on the moon. I remember watching his boots sink into the moon surface as he descended from the Lunar Explorer and thinking, "I wonder how long those footprints will last?" And my second thought was more reflective, "I wonder if I will do anything in my life that will outlast my years on this planet?" Weird thoughts for a nine-year old I know but trust me, if you asked anyone who knew me as a child, this is pretty typical for how my childhood brain worked.

One of the many stories celebrating the 50th anniversary of the moon landing had to do with preserving the artifacts that are already on the moon. This includes the Lunar Modules, Lunar Buggies, American Flags and the footprints of the astronauts themselves. Without interference by man, those footprints will probably last as long as the moon itself. The reason they will endure is because unlike on Earth, there is no erosion by wind or water on the moon. It has no atmosphere and all the water on the surface is frozen as ice. We actually have more to fear from aliens or astronauts from other countries on earth erasing the footprints than the natural processes of the moon itself.

As cool as it is to think about your accomplishments being preserved throughout history, you and I are leaving our mark in an even more crucial realm, the spiritual realm. Our words, actions, testimony and faith are influencing people around us and shaping the destinies of their eternal souls. Everyday we interact with people who were made in the image of God, endowed with immortal souls, in need of hearing about the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. These eternity-influencing moments are far more important than any earthly accomplishment you and I will ever achieve.

One of the great blessings of our lives is that God allows us to work alongside Him in expanding the Kingdom of God. Even more important than the tasks of helping the poor, protecting the weak, and establishing justice for all, no matter their social standing, is the commandment to tell the world about Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." (Matthew 4:4)The Word of God is the life-giving method that God uses to ensure that people know the truth about Jesus Christ and the eternal gift of life He offers through His sacrifice.

Accomplishments here on Earth, and the Moon, might be remembered throughout the lens of history, but there has only one person who walked this earth who made a way for all of humanity to escape the punishment of their sins and reign with Him forever in paradise. Jesus has commanded us to make disciples throughout the world so that all men and women can hear the truth about the love of God. Each day we have opportunities to engage in life-altering conversations that will have eternal ramifications, far beyond the time the footprints on the moon will have faded into nothingness.

Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"