The number 13 is a number that usually brings forth feelings of trepidation, certainly not feelings of comfort and protection. Chapter 13 in The Book of Revelation is no exception. This chapter describes the height of Satan's rebellion against God, a rebellion that begin before the dawn of time. Imagine, in all of history there has never been an influence of evil such as the world will experience in the Great Tribulation.
Chapter 13 begins with the rise of the Antichrist, the beast who will emerge from the sea. (The sea refers to the Gentile nation - Revelation 17:15) The ten horns that the beast has are affixed to a composite body which combines the appearance of a leopard, bear, and lion. In military terms, this suggests that the Antichrist will have the staggering speed of an leopard, the overwhelming power of a bear, and the ferociousness of a lion. And the ten horns represent power and kingdoms, and the Antichrist will exert his power like no other ruler in history. He will wield absolute power over ten nations and kings who will exist to do his bidding. The False Prophet, (who will emerge from land - referring to the Jewish nation) only has two horns. But make no mistake, that is an strategic deception. His power exists in a different realm. Where the Antichrist will utilize his power with a sword, the False Prophet will accomplish his means using his amazing charisma and persuasion. He will speak like a dragon, using lies, threats, deceptions and coercion. His appearance as a lamb will disguise his true intentions. Great miracles will accompany the False Prophet as he works in conjunction with the Antichrist to deceive and command the world.
After 3 1/2 years of peace, we now witness a change of perception. The Antichrist desecrates the temple of the Jews and then shortly after that encounter we read that the Antichrist dies and then comes back to life. (In fact, this is stated three times in this chapter) Do not be confused, the Antichrist will die a very public death. He will be raised from death (not resurrected as Jesus was but with a temporal life force) and the world will be amazed. This will be accomplished by the power of Satan, who since before time itself has sought to mimic the works and power of God. The False Prophet will testify to the power of the Antichrist and he will accomplish many other miracles (such as calling down fire from heaven) to help cement his power. (Revelation 13:13-14)
However, do not fear! Our God has already ensured our eternal salvation and He will not leave us alone in our earthly troubles. Here is a verse of great hope, "For there shall rise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." (Matthew 24:24) Check out the words, "if it were possible". Because of God's infinite grace, it won't be possible. Another example of God's grace, during the last 3 1/2 years of the tribulation period (known as The Great Tribulation) God will send two men who will witness to the world about God's truth and grace and evil will not be able to harm them. Satan will try to silence them but everything he attempts will fail until their ministry is completed. At the end of their forty-two months of ministry, they will be killed and their bodies will be left in the Great City. (Jerusalem) But guess what happens after 3 1/2 days? God will breathe life back into their bodies and they will stand up. Great fear will come upon the world, who until that point had been celebrating the death of these two men of God. And the world will see them raised from the dead and then they will hear God's voice clearly call them to heaven, "Come up here".
That is the God we serve. His will is always is brought to completion. Everything that He has spoken will come true. But there is a counterpoint to this story, evil is coming from the sea (and the land) and we need to be prepared to resist. Just like God will provide for His two witnesses, He will provide for His children as we preserve until the end. And part of that provision is providing The Bible so that we might be aware of future events. We are to become spiritual warriors, able to discern what is good and evil. But that kind of understanding, strength and faith are not bestowed quickly upon men and women. We need to be at work now, studying, praying and preparing our mind, soul and body for the battle to come. Pick your side and prepare. Something evil is coming, and he is coming soon.