Sunday, December 24, 2017

To Those Who Did Not Disappear

I'm a Christ follower. This does not mean that I am perfect, far from it actually, but it does mean that my life has been changed because of my belief and devotion to Jesus Christ. (That's why I love this quote by D.T. Niles, "Christianity is one beggar telling another beggar where he found bread.") He has rescued me from the punishment of my sins and given me a eternal residence in Heaven. Without Him I would have no hope.

This blog post is for those people who might be reading it after an event called the Rapture. As a Christian I believe that in the future Jesus Christ will come back for His Church (which is His followers) and in the twinkle of an eye take us to be with Him in Heaven. This letter is for anyone who was left behind and who wants to learn the truth about what really happened to all of the people who just disappeared from this planet.

Hello, I’m writing this near the end of January in the year 2019. If you are reading this letter it might be  because you are seeking answers for the sudden disappearance of possibly millions of people who have just vanished from the face of the earth. I’m sure you are wondering what happened, why it happened, and can it happen again. You’re reading this because you are one of the people remaining on the earth. I’m writing this letter because I’m one of those who has disappeared, and I want you to know why.

Some of this will not be easy to read, but I want you to know there is still hope for you to become a believer in Jesus Christ and join us in heaven. I know this is difficult to understand and there will be a lot of speculation about what happened to everyone who disappeared, but this is the truth. In the Bible this event was foretold thousands of years ago along with the start of time that you now find yourself living in. It’s my hope that you read this with an open mind, examine it for what it says, and give great weight and thought about the ramifications.

First things first. Depending on how much time has passed since the sudden disappearance of such a large number of people, you may have heard several theories as to why. I have no idea what theories have been paraded in the media or by the world’s leaders. Perhaps some will even subscribe to an alien abduction theory. Here is the truth.

Have you ever heard of the term “rapture”? Rapture means “snatched away.” The rapture is a term Christians have used to describe God’s calling up of His believers to Heaven. You may be asking yourself, “Wasn’t Jesus supposed to come back when this happened?” Well, not exactly. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is imminent, but not for at least three and a half years (depending on when the rapture happened). The rapture, the disappearance of many, was a prelude to that. In 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, the apostle Paul states that “…we (Christians) will not all sleep, but we will be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised, imperishable, and we will be changed.”

Those of us who were alive and genuinely believed in Jesus Christ were the ones who disappeared. We didn’t die, but we were changed. Our physical bodies are no longer here on earth. We are now in Heaven. And don't get caught up in the timeline of the rapture, well studied Christian scholars have disagreed for centuries on the exact timeline of the rapture. It might happen at the beginning of the tribulation, or the middle, or at the end, the important fact is that it will happen! 

Before I continue, it’s important that you know more about Jesus. He is the most important part of this letter. You may have heard of Him, but maybe you don’t have a clue as to who He really is. Well, to understand the rest of this letter, it’s imperative you understand who He is. If you have one, I recommend you pull out a Bible. I will reference it for the duration of this letter.

Quite simply, Jesus is the Son of God; God in the form of a man. About two thousand years ago, God sent Him to earth to die for everyone’s sins. He is the Messiah that many Jews are still looking for today. Unfortunately, they missed Him the first time. As did you I’m sorry to say. But the good news is that you all have a second chance. Here is some of what the Bible has to say about Jesus Christ.

There are over one hundred prophecies concerning the Messiah in the Old Testament, books of the Bible all written at least four hundred years before Jesus was born. The first chapter of the book of the Matthew, the first book of the New Testament, goes through a genealogy, a family tree as it were, of Jesus. In fact, the very first verse of Matthew calls Jesus the Messiah “the son of David, the son of Abraham.”

Genesis is the first book of the Bible, written well over a thousand years before the birth of Christ. However, in that book (Genesis 12:3, 18:18) God says that through Abraham all the families of the earth shall be blessed, a reference to the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Jesus coming from the lineage of David, the king of Israel, is foretold in Psalm 132:11, as well as in Isaiah 11:10, Jeremiah 23:5, and Jeremiah 33:15, all Old Testament references. There are also prophecies (Numbers 24:17) that the Messiah would be a descendant of Jacob. Jesus was (Matthew 1:2). All written at least hundreds of years before the birth of Christ.

Need more proof that Jesus is the Messiah? Isaiah 7:14 (Old Testament) tells us that the Messiah will be born of a virgin. Matthew 1:18-25 (New Testament) details how Jesus was born of the virgin Mary. It’s prophesied in Micah 5:2 that the Messiah would be born in the city of Bethlehem. Matthew 2:1 says that Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

Chapters 52 and 53 of Isaiah contain prophecies concerning the crucifixion of Jesus. Each of the first four books of the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), also called The Gospels, contain details concerning the Jesus’ crucifixion. I suggest reading the nineteenth chapter of John. Also read about His resurrection on the third day, also prophesied in the Old Testament.

But you need to know why Jesus was crucified. If it was prophesied for centuries before it happened, why did it happen? Why did it have to happen? Before you know that, you need to realize something. Even though you were left behind, God loves you. God loves you as much as He loves those He took to Heaven. In fact, one of the most famous verses of the Bible speaks of God’s love:

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son; that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16

God loves the world… everybody. God loves you, but that still doesn’t really answer the question of why you were left behind. Why weren’t you raptured? Well, quite simply, God sent Jesus to die for your sins, but you have yet to believe and in Him, and trust in Him as your Lord and Savior. 

But it may not be too late, there is no greater decision that you will ever make then to surrender your life to Jesus Christ. And at this point in human history it may even be more important. 

If the Church is gone then that means that evil is left unchecked on the planet. The enemy is now running the show for a limited time. It is vital that you research your options and ensure your eternal salvation. 

I pray that you will make that decision and that we will rejoice in Heaven in the near future!