Friday, December 15, 2017

10 Good Reasons to Read God's Word

by Stormie Omartian (From The Power of Praying)

10 Good Reasons to Read God's Word

1) To know where you are going. (God's Word will guide you - Psalm 119:133)

2) To have wisdom. (Knowledge of God's Word is where wisdom begins to grow in you - Psalm 19:7)

3) To find success. (When you live according to the teachings of the Bible, life works - Joshua 1:8)

4) To live in purity. (You can't live a life of holiness without being cleansed by God's Word - Psalm 119:0)

5) To obey God. (If you don't know what God's laws are, how can you obey them? - Psalm 119:33-35 / John 14:15)

6) To have joy. (You can't be free of anxiety without the Word of God in your heart - Psalm 19:8)

7) To grow in faith (You can't grow in faith without reading and hearing the Word of God - Romans 10:17)

8) To find deliverance (You won't be free of the enemy stronghold that binds you unless you allow the Word of God to reveal your bondage - John 8:31-32)

9) To have peace (Only God can give you true peace but you can only find that in His Word - Psalm 119:165)

10) To distinguish good from evil (Culture is retreating from the truth of God by the hour, so it is impossible to know right from wrong without God's Word - Psalm 119:11)