Remember when you were a child and you used to beg to be able to run sound in your neighborhood productions? Or arrange all of the props? How about designing the set? Or, any number of other behind the scene tasks? What? That's not ringing a bell? Just like no one grows up wanting to be Vice-President, few of us grow up longing to perform backstage. It's all about the main stage, the lights, the applause and adoration. Except that it takes a great team to accomplish great things and not everyone can be front and center. No roadies, no show.
But giving up our shot isn't part of most people's makeup. We're born wanting things our way, on our terms. So how can we suppress this natural desire and support the team we're part of? Recognizing that we are part of something that's greater than ourselves is a good place to start. Accepting our role as a servant doesn't mean that we check out our ambition, it means we serve with excellence in whatever role we're currently in. Sound easy? It's not. But the end result always results in a better you. So the next concert you attend tell the sound guy he's doing a great job and watch the amazement that transforms his face. Tell a policeman the world's a better place because of how he/she is choosing to use his gifts. And the next day go thank a teacher. See, you're already becoming a giant in the world of grace.